Global Private Equity Investment Company


A Herzberg Smith expert originally co-founded this private equity investment company; guiding creation of the founding vision, the initial cultural and the operating platforms. Having previously sold his stake to the other co-founders, he was asked five years later by the new

Owner/Global CEO to return as the Global Strategy Officer, to help improve operations in their 23 offices in 12 countries, 350 employees strong.


Our expert’s first introduction to the senior leadership team was a 75-person global conference in Shanghai, China, where he rolled-out two new programs. One worldwide program was designed to proactively create a high-performance organization culture and develop strong, collaborative leaders and teams. The second program would go on to improve business operations and performance in all of the company’s 75 separate investment holdings, scattered around the world.

Following this kick-off, he and the corporate C-team immediately began traveling internationally to implement these new initiatives, 250+ days a year across six continents.


During his founding service with the private equity investment company, revenue had grown from start-up to $8 million USD in just the first 9 months. After his return (to a platform of over $100 million in revenue) the Herzberg Smith expert went to work: The largest unprofitable holdings were strategically assessed, and unique action plans created. Those that were not future-viable were shut down. Others were re-engineered, new leadership chosen, and operating and financial performance programs instituted. Performance results in those companies soared. Our expert guided the creation of a brand new global Financial Products sales strategy, and formed a strategic development team to execute this. The new model redesigned sales approaches, territories and personnel, and was successfully implemented worldwide. He oversaw revision of a Global Marketing Team, created a Global HR team, and a new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) function – establishing robust centralized platforms to standardize and efficiently serve the Holding Company’s many international holdings.